Content sectioning

address tag
article tag
header tag

h1 tag

h2 tag

h3 tag

h4 tag

h5 tag
h6 tag
main tag
section tag

Text content

blockquote tag
dd tag
div tag
dl tag
dt tag
figcaption tag
figure tag

  • li tag
  • menu tag
      ol tag

    p tag

    pre tag

    Inline text semantics

    a tag abbr tag b tag dfn tag em tag i tag kbd tag mark tag q tag rp tag rt tag ruby tag s tag samp tag small tag span tag strong tag sub tag sup tag u tag var tag

    Image and multimedia

    map tag

    Embedded content

    object tag picture tag portal tag

    SVG and MathML

    svg tag math tag


    canvas tag

    Demarcating edits

    del tag ins tag

    Table content

    caption tag colgroup tag table tag
    tbody tag td tag tfoot tag th tag thead tag tr tag


    datalist tag
    fieldset tag
    form tag
    legend tag meter tag optgroup tag output tag progress tag

    Interactive elements

    details tag
    dialog tag summary tag

    Web Components

    slot tag

    Obsolete and deprecated elements

    acronym, applet, bgsound, big, blink, center, content, dir, font, frame, frameset, image, keygen, marquee, menuitem, nobr, noembed, noframes, param, plaintext, rb, rtc, shadow, spacer, strike, tt, xmp,